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Publications from the Shanidar Cave Project team or using data from the project

Academic articles



Kabukcu, C., Hunt, C., Hill, E., Pomeroy, E., Reynolds, T., Barker, G., Asouti, E. In press. Cuisine before farming: Carbonized food residues reveal processing and cooking of plants in the Palaeolithic. Antiquity


Reynolds, T., Hunt, C. O., Hill, E., Tilby, E., Pomeroy, E., Burke, A., & Barker, G. 2022. The Zagros Mousterian: The view from Shanidar CaveL''Anthropologie, 126(3): 103045.


Tilby, E., Miracle, P., & Barker, G. 2022. The microvertebrates of Shanidar Cave: Preliminary taphonomic findings. Quaternary, 5(1), 4.



Pomeroy, E., Bennett, P., Hunt, C. O., Reynolds, T., Farr, L., Frouin, M.,  Holman, J., Lane, R., French, C., & Barker, G. 2020. New Neanderthal remains associated with the ‘flower burial’ at Shanidar Cave. Antiquity 94(373), 11-26. 


Pomeroy, E., Hunt, C. O., Reynolds, T., Abdulmutalb, D., Asouti, E., Bennett, P., Tim Reynolds, Bosch, M., Burke, A., Farr, L. Foley, R., French, C., Frumkin, A., Goldberg, P., Hill, E., Kabukcu, C.,  Mirazón Lahr, M., Lane, R., Marean, C., Maureille, B., Mutri, G., Miller, C.E., Mustafa, K.A,  Nymark, A., Pettitt, P., Sala, N., Sandgathe, D., Stringer, C., Tilby, E., & Barker, G. 2020. Issues of theory and method in the analysis of Paleolithic mortuary behavior: a view from Shanidar Cave. Evolutionary Anthropology, 29(5), 263-279.



Hunt, C. O., & Fiacconi, M., 2018. Pollen taphonomy of cave sediments: what does the pollen record in caves tell us about external environments and how do we assess its reliability? Quaternary International 485, 68–75.


Reynolds, T., Farr, L., Hill, E., Hunt, C. O., Jones, S., Gratuze, B., Nymark, A., Abdulmutalb, D., & Barker, G. 2018. Shanidar Cave and the Baradostian, a Zagros Aurignacian industry, L'Anthropologie, 122(5), 737-748



Barker, G., 2017. A Tale of Three Caves: Why Was Our Species So Successful at Colonising New Environments?  Amsterdam:  Stichting Nederlands Museum voor Anthropologie en Praehistorie.


Hunt, C.O., Hill, E.A., Reynolds, T., Abdulmutalb, D., Farr, L., Lane, R., Szabó, K., & Barker, G., 2017. An incised shell object from Baradostian (Early Upper Palaeolithic) layers in Shanidar Cave, Iraqi Kurdistan. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 14, 318–322.


Pomeroy, E., Mirazón Lahr, M., Crivellaro, F., Farr, L., Reynolds, T., Hunt, C.O., & Barker, G., 2017. Newly discovered Neanderthal remains from Shanidar Cave, Iraqi Kurdistan, and their attribution to Shanidar 5. Journal of Human Evolution 111:102–118.



Fiacconi, M., & Hunt, C. O., 2016. Palynology of surface sediments from caves in the Zagros Mountains (Kurdish Iraq): patterns and processes. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology 239, 66–76.


Reynolds, T., Boismier, W., Farr, L., Hunt, C., Abdulmultalb, D., & Barker, G., 2016. New investigations at Shanidar Cave, Iraqi Kurdistan. In: K. Kopanias & J. MacGinnis (eds) The Archaeology of the Kurdistan Region of Iraq and Adjacent Regions: 357–360. Oxford: Archaeopress.



Fiacconi, M., & Hunt, C. O., 2015. Pollen taphonomy at Shanidar Cave (Kurdish Iraq): an initial evaluation. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology 223, 87–93.


Hunt, C.O., Gilbertson, D.D., Hill, E.A., & Simpson, D., 2015. Sedimentation, re-sedimentation and chronologies in archaeologically-important caves: problems and prospects. Journal of Archaeological Science 56, 109–116.


Reynolds, T., Boismier, W., Farr, L., Hunt, C., Abdulmultalb, D., & Barker, G., 2015. New investigations at Shanidar Cave, Iraqi Kurdistan. Antiquity 348: Project Gallery.



Tilby, E. 2023. Neanderthal and Modern Human Adaptations to Climate Change in Southwest Asia: Climate Reconstruction of Marine Isotope Stage 5 to 3 based on small mammal records from Shanidar Cave (Iraqi Kurdistan). PhD Thesis, university of Cambridge.

Nymark Jensen, A. 2021. Middle Palaeolithic technological adaptation in Montane Southwest Asia: a test of the Zagros Mousterian “Summer adaptation hypothesis”. PhD thesis, Birkbeck, University of London.


Predoi, A. 2018. Investigating the palaeoclimate of the Shanidar Cave, Iraq:  An isotopic analysis of C. aegagrus aegagrus teeth. Masters thesis, University of Cambridge.


Fiacconi, M., 2017. Cave Pollen Taphonomy in Kurdish Iraq​. PhD thesis, Liverpool John Moores University.


Haines, B. 2016. Can the relative abundance of identified tortoise remains be used as a proxy for temperate conditions over time at the archaeological site of Shanidar Cave, Iraq? Undergraduate thesis, University of Cambridge.




Dr Emma Pomeroy discusses the new Neanderthal Discoveries at Shanidar Cave for the Garrod Seminar Series, Department of Archaeology, University of Cambridge in November 2020 

Professor Graeme Barker and Dr Emma Pomeroy talk about how our understanding of Neanderthals is changing with new evidence, including the findings from the Shanidar Cave Project in an even for the Cambridge University Alumni Festival in September 2020 

News articles


Coverage of 2022 Antiquity paper on evidence of cooking from Shanidar Cave, November 2022


Cambridge University's coverage of the first publication on Shanidar Z, February 2020.


Scientists discover Neanderthal skeleton that hints at flower burial, The Guardian, February 2020


Neanderthal 'skeleton' is first found in a decade, BBC News, February 2020


Is this proof Neanderthals DID bury their dead in elaborate ceremonies? 'Deliberately buried' skeleton of a middle-aged human ancestor who lived 70,000 years ago is found almost intact at 'flower burial' site in Iraq, The Daily Mail, February 2020


Discovery of 70,000-year-old skeleton sparks 'Neanderthal death ritual' theories, Mirror, February 2020


New remains discovered at site of famous Neanderthal 'flower burial', Science, January 2019


Decorated snail shell in a cave in Iraq could be evidence of Paleolithic bling, The Conversation, June 2017


Archaeologists ousted by ISIS return to ancient Iraqi cave, Nature, October 2015


Blog posts


 Neanderthal life and death at Shanidar Cave by Dr Tim Reynolds, The British Academy blog, March 2021


Close encounters? Neanderthals and Homo sapiens in the Middle East by Professor Graeme Barker, Council for British Research in the Levant, October 2020




Flowers on graves - funerary practices since the Neanderthals? 23 Minutes Archaeology, June 2021


Did Neanderthals bury their dead?, Here Be Monsters podcast, May 2020


Return to Shanidar: An interview with Emma Pomeroy, Archaeocafé, March 2020


An ancient burial in a famous cave, Science Friday podcast, February 2020


Interview with Professor Graeme Barker about Shanidar Cave, The Nahrein Network podcast, 2019


Find out more about the Shanidar Cave Project

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Previous excavations


Work by Dr Ralph Solecki and his team from 1951-1960 challenged prevailing ideas about Neanderthals, and put Shanidar Cave on the map


Latest research


Find out more about the Project's discoveries, including what the climate was like when Neanderthals and modern humans used the cave, and the kinds of evidence they left behind

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Shanidar Z


Read more about the discovery of the Neanderthal remains known as 'Shanidar Z', and the ongoing research into their life and death

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© 2023 by The Shanidar Cave Project, created with and funded by the 

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