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When did they live?
What did they look like and what did they eat?
Did Neanderthals bury their dead?
Did they ever meet us, modern humans (Homo sapiens)?
And why are Neanderthals no longer alive today?
Explore these questions and more here!
Comparison of a Neanderthal (left) and modern human skull (right). Derivative work by DrMikeBaxter (CC BY-SA 2.0) via Wikimedia Commons.
To find out more about Shanidar Cave, the Neanderthals and human evolution, check out our suggested resources and further reading.
Left: Reconstruction of a Neanderthal man. Image: Neanderthal-Museum, Mettmann, CC BY 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons
Or, find out more about Shanidar Cave using the links below
Work by Dr Ralph Solecki and his team from 1951-1960 challenged prevailing ideas about Neanderthals, and put Shanidar Cave on the map
Find out more about the Project's discoveries, including what the climate was like when Neanderthals and modern humans used the cave, and the kinds of evidence they left behind
Read more about the discovery of the Neanderthal remains known as 'Shanidar Z', and the ongoing research into their life and death